The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 11: Mine, Mine, It's All Mine

Well! I think our goal is clear!

That's right: we're going to build another staircase in order to reach the ledge that Princess Butter was standing on earlier. Gears? Pff.

The tiny cubical badger freaks out and burrows underground when Sam gets close.

Still, we're not here for badgers, as cute as they are. We're here because of this hidden chest!

The chest explodes in Mana, Simoleon Essences, and... a statue of King Roland? Enjoy this look at it, folks: we won't actually be able to look at it again in-game for a very long time.

... is what I would say if I didn't have a completed save kicking around. Here is a very slightly better view of the King Roland statue. Hey, I didn't say anything about getting a good look at it.

After picking up the statue of Roland, Sam jumps down, unmakes that staircase in order to reclaim his Mana, and runs back to the castle. His goal: the gearmaking scroll.

Aww, the princess giftwrapped it for us.

... mining, you say

: Why don't you try mining over there? It looks like a good spot to me!

So it does!

In the mining minigame, Sam plays Hot and Cold with a wall. He picks up this pickaxe--thanks, Elmira, I guess?--and hops along, tapping at the wall and listening to the noises this produces.

Every time he plinks at the wall, we see a colored impact and hear sonar-like beeping. As the beeps rise higher in pitch, the impact circles get closer to red...

There! Sam's echolocation has picked up a pocket of minerals!

Sam starts whacking at the wall in earnest, dislodging a bunch of giant screws. Okay, Metal Essences. Eventually the pocket runs dry, Sam goes 'woohoo!', and the process repeats itself until we get bored and quit.

We also find a small deposit of chocolate bars. I mean Bronze Essences. Well, honestly, if it had been chocolate, I would not have been in the least surprised. You'll see what I mean later.

Anyway, once Sam has mined enough metal to complete the Scroll Of Gearmaking, he returns the pick to its place and goes to find Lyndsay.

: Wee! Mining looks fun!

: Hey, Sam! Did you finish a Scroll?


: Fantastic! I bet those gears will be super useful!

Gears away! Sam gains the power of small gear and large gear. Large Gear?!

: Let's hurry up and power that switch, Sam! I think we'll have to make it spin using gears...

blah blah blah gear gear blah

: Hooray! The gate is open! You're unstoppable, Sam!

And we all go through the opened gate and arrive at the harbor!


Next time on MySims Kingdom: Where does Barney intend to store his fancy new toaster oven, anyway?


Video: Mining Tutorial
Now you can learn how to mine right along with Sam, in twenty-five seconds or less!